Bo is the protagonist/hero of the story. She is a Light Seeker and a direct descendant of the Ohnahi, her ancestors are from Orion. She lives on Reeva in a small island village outside Neon City. While her sisters have the power of first sight and healing, she has the power of creation, whereby she can create new crystals and fuse together living matter and inorganic materials. One of her favourite things to do is explore her village and look for the different kinds of hybrid mushrooms, flowers and rare crystals, then practice magically fusing living and inorganic materials.
Cody is her best friend. Cody helps Bo on her journey and has magic skills of his own. He also has the ability to grow black orchid mushrooms from minerals for healing. Animals are now like familiars. In this now broken world, humans on Reeva now have a natural connection and or affinity to a particular animal or species. This is a magical link to help humans and animals rebuild the broken planet. Animals now talk and some move in more human ways. The strongest connection, apart from Bo and Cody, is with those from the Wilds of Wind & Flame tribe, who actively work to clear the toxic spores on the planet.
Alchemics are people who have the natural ability to work the magic of crystals. Their objectives are 'The Study of magic, science and bio-magical crystals that hold or transmit celestial energy, and to protect and advance life on Reeva and its inhabitants. By studying the crystals, they can harness and use the energy via physical objects they hold during battle or make items and weapons from them.